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Byrne, Richard, 1963- (Nome Pessoal)

Formato preferido: Byrne, Richard, 1963-

Millicent and Meer, 2001: t.p. (Richard Byrne)

Email from author, July 1, 2011 (Richard Leonard Patrick Byrne; b. 1963)

Amazon website, Jan. 27, 2015 (Richard Byrne was born in London in 1963. He studied Graphic Design at Eastbourne College of Art and Design and went on to become a designer at several creative agencies in Brighton, Manchester and Leeds. After several years as a freelance designer he began to write and illustrate children's picture books. His first, Millicent and Meer, was published in 2011. To date he has written and illustrated six picture books which have been published in over a dozen countries. He now lives in Chichester with his partner and their two young children.)

Autor e ilustrador de: Este livro comeu o meu cão! 2015 15/04/2024 (Richard Byrne cresceu em Brighton, na Inglaterra, e desde criança gostava de colorir. Trabalhou com design gráfico até a crise da meia idade, quando decidiu escrever um livro infantil. Desde então, não parou mais. Em 2013, venceu o Prêmio do Livro de Oxfordshire na categoria Melhor Livro Ilustrado.)

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